#: locale=en
## Tour
### Title
tour.name = Ace Tone Productions 2020
## Media
### Title
panorama_10A074AA_1ECD_392F_41B7_D32597DE8A10.label = Sound Booth
panorama_17285DC4_1EBD_0B5B_41A1_232714263F86.label = Welcome
panorama_658E374E_68C1_B713_41CD_E0311201C704.label = Center Stage
panorama_65D7CD8E_68C1_7B13_41D1_E40916655FE8.label = Mission Control
panorama_65E83161_68C1_AB11_41A6_9BC4AB53392D.label = Stations
## Popup
### Body
htmlText_76866870_673C_2A50_41CA_1DE1C4C2BDC7.html =
(In order of left to right, top to bottom)
1) The John Spignesi Band - Beautiful Dream
2) Rob Ashley - Northeastern Syncope
3) Robert Daniel Irwin - Nature vs. Nurture
4) Interrupter Jones - Old People Make Noise
5) John Fazio Jr. - Release
6) Seasons of Glass - Eternal
7) Erick Northrop - Hole in the Wall
8) John Spignesi Band - The Time is Now
9) Twiin Souls - Change
10) Stevie St. Amand - Reasons to Die
11) Emoney tha Don - Up and Comming
12) John Spignesi Band - Three
13) Twiin Souls - Phases of the Moon
14) Darren Barker - Desire
15) Ricky Bynum - R. Jizzy Rap$ 18 Tracks
### Title
window_72C51D38_670C_2BDF_41D4_C1C551AA767C.title = Artists On The Wall
## Hotspot
### Tooltip
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_54328E10_6708_125A_41CE_B692EDCB3C89.toolTip = SJC Drums
## Action
### URL
LinkBehaviour_2ACD55E4_6708_71FA_41C7_9132E608D512.source = http://killerburstguitars.com
LinkBehaviour_2ACD65E4_6708_71FA_41D6_8F20682CB281.source = http://www.sjcdrums.com
LinkBehaviour_3229D26B_67F8_12CE_41C3_98087F467748.source = https://www.sjcdrums.com
LinkBehaviour_3229E26B_67F8_12CE_41D5_71AB9CA101DC.source = https://killerburstguitars.com/
LinkBehaviour_43BC2B53_6508_12DE_41D0_8543EBA0B14D.source = http://killerburstguitars.com
LinkBehaviour_524A28B4_6738_3E5A_41B6_7D29D5B60538.source = http://www.sjcdrums.com